The Elms' Decree
The September breeze bends the slender, elm trees.
Tested, they rebel. We see them weep.
We entered the cemented recess, where the beetles creep,
perplexed yet helpless.
Relentless, yet here they rest.
We left them then, where they dwell.
We seek the elms’ secrets, where they swell.
Gentle seeds sleep bedded deep, heedless
even when held there where these shelters freeze.
They never express resentment, never seek revenge.
Yet beget reverence when sleep’s sweet spell ends.
Previous version
The September breeze bends the slender, elm trees.
Tested, they rebel. We see them weep.
We enter then the cemented recess, where beetles creep,
perplexed yet helpless. Prevented, we left where they dwell.
We seek the elms’ secrets, where they swell.
Gentle seeds sleep bedded deep, heedless
even when held there where these shelters freeze.
They never express resentment, never seek revenge.
Yet beget reverence where sleep’s sweet spell ends.
Previous version
The September breeze bends the slender, elm trees.
Tested, they gently rebel. We see them weep.
We left the cemented recess then, where beetles creep,
perplexed yet helpless. We enter where they dwell.
We seek the elms’ secrets, where they swell.
These seeds sleep bedded deep, heedless
even when held there when these shelters freeze.
They never express resentment, never seek revenge.
Yet beget reverence where sleep’s sweet spell ends.
Previous version
The September breeze bends the slender, elm trees.
Tested, they gently rebel. We see them weep.
We left the concrete then, where beetles creep,
perplexed yet helpless. We enter where they dwell.
We seek the elms’ secrets, where they swell.
These seeds sleep bedded deep, heedless
even when held there when these shelters freeze.
They never express resentment, never seek revenge.
Yet seek freedom where sleep’s sweet spell ends.
Previous version:
The September breeze bends the slender, elm trees.
Tested, they gently rebel. Helpless, we see them weep.
Fervent, where beetles creep
we enter wherever they dwell.
Perplexed, we seek the elms’ secrets swell.
These seeds sleep bedded deep, heedless
even when held there when these shelters freeze.
They never express resentment, never seek revenge
Yet seek freedom when sleep’s sweet spell ends.
Previous version:
The September breeze bends the elm trees.
Tested, they gently rebel. We see them
weep. Sheltered, we enter where they defend
nested, bedded seeds. Remember they expect the end.
OUP Zoom, OUP 209, Winchester Poetry Festiva l 2022