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How can you touch your nose with your tongue

How can you touch your nose with your tongue

How can you touch your nose with your tongue?

How can you make just a one word pun?

How can you make a potato crisp bounce?

How can you make a leotard flounce?

How can you touch your nose with your tongue?

How can you quiet a bell till it's rung?

How can you bend a Jacob’s cream cracker

and how can you unpluck a harvested apple?

How can you touch your nose with your tongue?

How can you cry before you are stung?

Why can’t you laugh when you tickle yourself

and how can you dance when you’re up on the shelf?

How can you touch your nose with your tongue?

How can you catch a hare with a drum ?

How can you smile when you bite on a lemon

and how can you hide a secret unspoken.

How can you touch your nose with your tongue?

How can the old become once again young?

How can you keep two magnets apart

and how can you put back the wings on my heart?




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